Mummy Fitness
'Mummy Fitness' is proud to offer a wide range of health and fitness sessions for this specialist population.
These include:
Exercise & Pregnancy - Outdoor & Studio Group Workouts |
Post Natal Exercise - Outdoor & Studio Group Workouts |
Exercise & Pregnancy:
Exercising during this exceptional time has so many benefits for both mother and baby, including improved sleep patterns, control of excess weight gain, better circulation and a greater physical ability to cope with labour. These specialist sessions will include gentle cardio-vascular exercises, functional strength work, essential pelvic floor and gentle core fitness and also a relaxation section. These sessions are suitable from 12 weeks onwards and exercises will be tailor made, depending on ability and stage of pregnancy.
'Exercise is a really good way to build confidence about your body during pregnancy, and remaining active has been medically proven to have benefits for your baby, delivery and post natal recovery'.
Post Natal Exercise:
Post natal exercise has numerous benefits, including enhanced psychological well-being, raised energy levels, restored muscle strength and enhanced confidence and self image. In order to help physically enable women to cope with the challenges of motherhood these sessions will include outdoor and indoor cardio-vascular sections, strength and conditioning work, postural corrective exercises and essential pelvic floor and gentle core fitness. These sessions are suitable following a satisfactory post natal check up.
'Postnatal exercise can increase your energy levels, help you lose weight more quickly and reduce your chances of facing 'baby blues' or more seriously, postnatal depression'.

"I love training with Emma. She really helped me achieve my goal of reaching peak fitness before I tried to conceive. Emma always makes the sessions interesting and keeps motivating me to try harder and try new things. I have recommended her to all of my friends and family and they love her too!"
Elizabeth Hogg – London
